The Carnivore Diet: A Route to Optimal Health
The Carnivore Diet is one of the best approaches to achieving optimal health. It’s not just a random idea, but a science-backed belief proved by top healthcare professionals like Dr. Anthony Chaffee.
This animal-based diet helps you heal chronic health issues, from insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes to inflammation, which are the main causes of various illnesses, including cancer, autoimmune conditions, and cardiovascular problems [1].
There are many reasons why the Carnivore Diet is an optimal method to gain and maintain health.
Why Is the Carnivore Diet Optimal for Health?
To perform optimally, the human body needs essential nutrients, such as amino acids and saturated fats, which are readily available in animal protein and fat.
Essential nutrients also help us fix issues such as insulin resistance and hormonal irregularities, which can cause a series of chronic diseases [2]. [3]
However, instead of consuming animal products rich in these nutrients, many individuals consume carbohydrates, which are not only unnecessary for survival, athletic performance, or longevity, but they can lead to different health conditions like insulin resistance [4].
Although carbohydrates and sugar cause these serious conditions, many chronic diseases come from a poor diet. Studies show that over 90% of the world has metabolic diseases, cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease, and dementia, which are mainly caused by a poor diet [5] [6] [7].

In addition to various research studies supporting the positive health effects of low-carb animal-based diets like Carnivore, historical evidence suggests that species like the Inuits have lived a long healthy life on a high-fat Carnivore Diet [8].
On a Carnivore Diet, you need to balance your macronutrient intake based on your body composition, metabolic flexibility, underlying health conditions, and goals.
After finding the true balance, you need to gain the macronutrients from the foods allowed on the Carnivore Diet, i.e., animal-based products. But what about fruits and vegetables?
Do We Need Fruits and Vegetables?
Despite common beliefs about the necessity of consuming fruits and vegetables, we do not “need” plant-based foods to survive and thrive.
Actually, they can contain anti-nutrients like toxins, oxalates, lectins, and defense chemicals that can hinder the absorption of minerals and cause inflammation and digestive issues if overconsumed [9] [10] [11].
Since the Carnivore Diet omits plant-based foods, some individuals may be concerned about nutrient deficiencies or high cholesterol levels from consuming meat.
Also, diabetic patients may be concerned about the health effects of this diet. Let’s see what science has to say.

Common Concerns about the Carnivore Diet
Some individuals assume that avoiding plant-based foods may result in nutrient deficiencies. However, you can obtain all necessary nutrients from meat and animal-based products.
Even if some individuals may need higher amounts of certain nutrients, they can take supplements on a Carnivore Diet after consulting a healthcare professional.
What about cholesterol on a Carnivore Diet?
The Issue of Cholesterol
A common misconception about the Carnivore Diet is its negative effects on cholesterol levels because of its high meat content.
However, a 2020 study revealed that the effect of the Carnivore diet on LDL cholesterol (the "bad" cholesterol) is related to the saturated fat consumed rather than the quantity of meat [12].
Research even shows surprising effects of saturated fats. It was believed that saturated fats raise LDL cholesterol and increase the risk of heart disease. However, recent studies could not find a direct association between saturated fat and the risk of heart disease [13] [14].
The vital point about cholesterol is that it isn't intrinsically bad and our bodies need it for various functions. We just need to balance between LDL and HDL cholesterols [15] [16].
Also, studies suggest that contrary to popular belief, high LDL cholesterol levels are associated with lower mortality, meaning that higher LDL can help you live longer [17].
Our body also needs LDL cholesterol for the optimal function of the brain and optimal hormones.
However, carefully consider your cholesterol ranges on the lab report because the results are from your average reference ranges, not optimal reference ranges.
This means you might look normal in many reference points, but under optimal “more strict” references, many people are out of range, and that’s why they experience so many side effects.
Another issue that may concern some individuals is high blood sugar levels on a Carnivore Diet.
High Blood Sugar Levels
Cutting carbohydrates and sugar on the Carnivore Diet means you won’t have blood glucose fluctuations, which means fewer irregularities in blood sugar levels for diabetic patients [18].
However, if you are experiencing persistent high blood sugar levels on a Carnivore Diet, you should consider that factors like stress, lack of sleep, or consumption of dairy, tea, coffee, or alcohol may interfere.
People with less than 5 hours of sleep per night may show signs of diabetes in less than a week. So, sleep adequately and manage your stress levels to get better results.
Another issue that may concern Carnivores is problems with losing weight. If you are on a Carnivore Diet and can’t lose weight as much as you wish, you need to consider the following points.
Weight Loss Challenges
During the adaptation phase, as your body is adjusting to the new low-carbohydrate lifestyle, your weight loss may not be so fast, and you may just experience water weight loss.
The best way to lose weight on a Carnivore Diet is to get healthy. If you focus on improving your health, you will regulate hormones and increase metabolic flexibility, which can lead to many health benefits, one of which will be weight management.
Also, weight loss might be slow if you're experiencing body recomposition—gaining muscle while losing fat. On a Carnivore Diet, you want to lose “fat”, so you might experience body recomposition where your muscle mass increases and body fat drops. This might mean the scale doesn’t drop.
To boost fat loss, you can go on a high-fat Carnivore, consume more fatty cuts of meat, and avoid dairy, sweeteners, and stimulants like coffee.
You can also get faster results on a Carnivore Diet by following the tips below.
How to Maximize Results on the Carnivore Diet?
- Consume enough high-fat meat, salt, and water.
- Avoid dairy products.
- Avoid tea, coffee, alcohol, and sweeteners.
- Avoid honey, sugar, and any artificial product.
- Eat when you are hungry, stop when you are full. So you don’t need to do any intentional fasting. it will come naturally!
- Test your iodine levels. If you are in an iodine-depleted country or you have low iodine, you can supplement with Lugols 5%, starting with 4 drops. To learn more about iodine, watch the interviews with Dr. Elizabeth Bright or Dr. David Brownstein.
- Exercise regularly. Sprinting and heavy resistance training are the best.
- Use unflavoured electrolytes if you need to, but it depends on how you feel at the beginning.

The Bigger Picture
Our health and weight are primarily dependent on what we eat. With over 90% of the global population, especially the US affected by chronic conditions linked to poor diets, going on a high-fat Carnivore Diet and focusing on nutritious animal-based foods can help us address the root causes of chronic diseases and improve our quality of life.
Carnivore Resources
- #1 Carnivore Community
- Find A Carnivore/ Keto Doctor
- Carnivore Macro Calculator
- GoCarnivore Sugar Calculator
- Buy KetoMojo (Ketone Meter)
About Dr Anthony Chaffee
Dr. Anthony Chaffee is an American medical doctor and Neurosurgical resident who, over a span of 20+ years, has researched the optimal nutrition for human performance and health. It is his assertion that most of the so-called chronic diseases are caused by the food we eat, or don't eat, and can be reversed with dietary changes to a species-specific diet.
He began University at the age of 16, studying Molecular & Cellular Biology with a Minor in Chemistry, which culminated in an MD from the Royal College of Surgeons.