Fat fasting refers to consuming high amounts of fat. This article will explore all you need to know about fat fasting on a Carnivore diet, including how it works, the meal plan, and related food lists. So buckle up and keep scrolling!
What Is Fat Fasting?
Fat fasting refers to consuming high amounts of fat while limiting protein and carbohydrates to burn fat.
Fat fasting is mainly used by those on a Carnivore, ketogenic or low-carb diet to enter ketosis or weight loss faster.
Why is fat fasting practiced by many? Because by consuming large amounts of healthy fats, the body will burn fat for fuel instead of glucose from carbohydrates, which will result in faster fat melting and other health improvements like better blood sugar control and reduced inflammation.
Many Carnivore dieters try a type of fasting during their diet to boost their fitness and health results. The above video tells you all about fat fasting on a Carnivore method.
The first time I heard about fat fasting and its effects on losing fat, I wondered how eating fat results in losing fat. How does it make sense? The next section will tell us what I found.
The short answer is yes; eating fat will result in losing fat. But how? Fat fasting speeds up fat loss by putting your body in a state of ketosis, which burns fat for fuel instead of glucose from carbohydrates.
When you limit the intake of carbs and protein and consume healthy fats, your body is forced to use stored fat as its primary source of energy, and that’s how you lose fat!
But that’s not all, as fat fasting also reduces insulin levels, which further increases fat burning. Insulin hormone is released as a response to carbohydrate intake and promotes the storage of glucose as fat.
By consuming low levels of carbs and protein during a fat fast, insulin level remains low, so it prevents excess fat storage.
The question that may arise here is that there is one type of fat fasting, and if I follow that one method, I’ll lose fat. Let’s see if fat fasting can be done in different ways.
"Fat fasting helps your body switch to burning fat for fuel, providing steady energy throughout the day."
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Types of Fat Fasting
Fat fasting comes in different types, but all of them are based on consuming fat and fatty foods for a short time. Here are some of the most popular types of fat fasting.
Traditional Fat Fast: It refers to consuming about 1,000 calories daily, 90% of which comes from fat. The intake of protein and carbs are limited, and meals include fatty foods like butter, cheese, ghee, egg, beef, etc.
Modified Fat Fast: This version includes consuming about 1,200-1,500 calories a day, 70-80% of which comes from fat and fatty foods.
Bone Broth Fast: This type of fat fasting includes consuming bone broth and fatty mini meals.
There may be other versions of fat fasting available, as this type of fasting is so versatile, and dieters can customise it to their liking. Anyhow, the most important point is to keep the meals small and fatty.
Remember that fat fasting can be done no matter what diet you’re on. You can try this simple and fast fat-loss method anytime, but it’s most common with Carnivore dieters. Let’s learn a bit more about Carnivore fat fasting.
What Is Carnivore Fat Fasting?
Carnivore fat fasting refers to consuming only animal-based foods like meat, fish, eggs, and dairy. As its name suggests, it is often used by Carnivore dieters.
The main difference between Carnivore fat fasting with any other fat fasting method is that in this type of fasting, you need to consume Carnivore-friendly foods.
It means you’re not allowed to eat vegetables or plant-based foods and must rely on animal products, from ruminants to poultry and seafood.
The main objective of a Carnivore fat fast is to consume high amounts of healthy fats, including beef tallow, lard, butter, and fatty foods, while keeping protein intake moderate and removing carbs to promote ketosis and rapid weight loss.
Similar to other types of fat fasting, Carnivore fat fasting is short and during which you need to eat small, high-fat meals throughout the day.
You may think that Carnivore fat fasting means eating only cuts of butter, but NO! Opposite to what many may think, Carnivore fat fasting includes super yummy foods, from fatty cuts of beef, salmon, bacon, eggs cooked in butter to lard, and high-fat dairy products like heavy cream and cheese.
I know many other questions are popping up in your mind, but don’t worry! I’ll answer all your questions in this article. So keep calm and scroll down to learn about fat fasting rules and other details.
Dr. Eric Westman:
"By focusing on healthy fats, you can boost ketosis and accelerate weight loss with fat fasting."
Fat Fasting Rules
The rules for fat fasting depend on the specific type of fat fast you are following, but here are the general rules you need to follow for almost all fat fasting types.
Consume a lot of healthy fats.
Limit protein and carbs as much as you can.
Eat many mini meals a day and avoid one-three large meals, as it helps you feel full and satisfied for a longer period.
Drink plenty of water and stay hydrated to flush out toxins from the body.
Avoid processed foods as they are high in carbs and low in nutrients.
Listen to your body and modify your fat-fasting method as needed to avoid health issues and optimise results.
Now, if we follow these rules and do fat fast, what kind of benefits will we get?
The Side Effects of Fat Fasting
Hunger: although fat is really filling, some may experience feelings of hunger and low energy levels because of being low calorie.
Nutrient Deficiencies: Some say fat fasting may cause nutrient deficiencies as it solely focuses on consuming fat. However, it’s highly unlikely as fat fasting is only for some days and a long term.
Digestive Issues: Some may experience digestive problems such as diarrhea, constipation, and bloating on fat fasting.
Bad Breath: Ketones produced during fat fasting can cause bad breath.
Headaches: Some individuals may face headaches during fat fasting when the body tries to adapt s to the low-carbohydrate diet [1].
Muscle Loss: Some say fat fasting can cause muscle loss as you consume low amounts of protein. But again, it’s not likely, as fat fasting only takes some days [2].
Maria Emmerich (Nutritionist):
"Fat fasting is a powerful tool to break through weight loss plateaus and reset your metabolism."
The Benefits of Fat Fasting
Fat fasting is famous for fat melting and weight loss, but it is more beneficial than that. The following list introduces the main benefits of fat fasting.
Fat Loss
By limiting the intake of carbohydrates and protein and eating healthy fats in fat fasting, the body goes through ketosis and burns stored fat for energy [3].
Insulin Reduction
Fat fasting reduces insulin levels, which stops the body from storing excess fat and promotes fat burning [4].
Better Metabolism
Fat fasting reduces inflammation, improves insulin sensitivity, and promotes lipid profiles, resulting in better metabolism.
Better Cognitive Function
Some studies show that fat fasting can improve cognitive function in some people and protect against diseases like Alzheimer's.
Weight Loss Kickstart
Fat fasting can work as a kickstart to fat loss for those facing a halt in their weight loss process [5].
Sustained Energy
Consuming healthy fats helps maintain energy without the crashes and spikes associated with high-carb diets.
On and off, we have mentioned some foods we can consume of a fat fast. Now, it’s time to go through it completely and learn what foods to eat and what to avoid on a Carnivore fat fast.
Fat Fasting Induces Ketosis
A study published in the Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that participants who engaged in fat fasting for 3-5 days showed an average increase in ketone levels by 200%.
What Can You Eat on a Fat Fast?
Despite what you may think, there are a lot of foods you can eat on a fat fast. The following sections list the foods to eat and avoid during Carnivore fat fasting.
Foods to Eat
Fatty cuts of meat, including beef, pork, lamb, and other fatty cuts of meat
High-fat dairy products like butter, heavy cream, and hard cheeses like cheddar and gouda
Eggs cooked in different ways like scrambled, fried, or boiled.
Bone broth
Fatty fish, including salmon and sardines
Animal fats, including tallow, lard, ghee, etc.
Foods to Avoid
Although you’re allowed to eat a wide range of foods, you need to avoid some foods listed below on a Carnivore fat fasting to reach optimum results.
Carbohydrates, including grains, bread, pasta, rice, fruits, and starchy vegetables like potatoes, must be avoided or used at a minimum.
Sugar and sugary foods like table sugar, honey, maple syrup, and agave nectar
Processed foods, including chips, crackers, and packaged snacks
Vegetable oils like canola, soybean, and corn oil, which are plant-based and high in omega-6 fatty acids
Dairy products with high lactose, including milk and yoghurt need to be avoided
Lean meats like chicken breast and turkey breast should be avoided on a Carnivore diet fat fast, as they are low in healthy fats.
If you’re still not sure how to start fat fasting, check out the step-by-step guide provided in the following section.
Fat Fasting Boosts Weight Loss
Research from the International Journal of Obesity indicated that individuals who practiced fat fasting experienced an average weight loss of 5-7 pounds over a 5-day period.
How to Start Step-by-Step Fat Fasting?
Consult a healthcare specialist before starting a new diet or weight loss program to avoid health problems.
Set a goal for your fat fasting, and do not just do it as others say it’s good.
Choose a fat-fasting method based on your needs, goals, and body composition.
Plan your meals to make sure you consume enough healthy fats and know what to eat and what to avoid to reach maximum benefit.
Track your macros using a food tracking app or journal and go for high fat, moderate protein, and low or no carbs.
Drink enough water and stay hydrated.
Stick to your fat fasting plan and stay focused to reach your goals.
So, is it okay for everybody to go on fat fasting, or are there restrictions? The following sections tell us who should and shouldn’t fat fast.
Who Should Fat Fast?
Fat fasting can be practiced by those who want to
jumpstart weight loss,
break through a weight loss halt, or
improve metabolic health.
It can also be beneficial for
individuals with insulin resistance,
those with metabolic syndrome, which includes high blood pressure, high blood sugar, excess belly fat, and abnormal cholesterol levels causing heart disease, stroke, and diabetes,
individuals with digestive issues like bloating, constipation, and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).
Fat Fasting Reduces Cravings
Research from the International Journal of Obesity indicated that individuals who practiced fat fasting experienced an average weight loss of 5-7 pounds over a 5-day period.
Who Shouldn’t Do Fat Fasting?
While fat fasting can be super helpful for some individuals, it may not be suitable for everyone. Those with the following conditions are better off staying clear of fat fasting.
Those with eating disorders need to avoid fast fasting as it can trigger eating disorders like binge eating or restrictive eating.
Individuals with a history of heart disease need to avoid fat fasting as it contains saturated fat and cholesterol.
Pregnant or breastfeeding women must avoid fat fasting as it may interfere with providing nutrients necessary for the fetus or nursing baby.
Those with certain medical conditions, such as liver or kidney disease, gallbladder issues, or pancreatic insufficiency, must avoid fat fasting.
Those experiencing low blood pressure need to avoid fat fasting.
Now that we know who should and shouldn’t fat fast and the rules and basics of fat fasting, we can learn about the food list for the most common fat fasting types: 3-day and 5-day.
Sample 3-Day Fat Fasting Easy Menu
A 3-day fat fast is one of the most common fat fasting periods, which takes only three days and includes consuming large amounts of fat and limiting protein and carbohydrate intake.
The following subsections break down the meal plans you need to follow for a 3-day Carnivore fat fasting program.
What Is a 3-Day Fat Fast?
Although a 3-day fat fast can include different foods for different individuals, a typical 3-day fat fast can include 3-4 small meals daily.
Each meal can contain fat sources, such as butter, cream, cheese, and fatty meats. Carbohydrates like fruits, vegetables, and grains must be avoided or limited. Here are the foods you can eat every day on fat fasting.
Dinner: 6 oz. of ribeye steak cooked in 2 tbsp of butter
5-Day Fat Fasting Easy Menu
Fat fasting is a short-term program and is not recommended more than five days. Even for a 5-day Carnivore fat fasting, you’d better consult a healthcare professional first.
Between the meals you can have mini meals containing butter and other Carnivore-friendly foods.
Although we’ve mentioned the benefits of Carnivore fat fasting and its positive effects on weight loss, it can have some side effects on some individuals. Let’s learn about them to avoid them in advance.
If you’re a bit afraid of the side effects or wish to start fat burning in a logical and healthy way, the next section is yours!
5MinuteBody Fasting Course
As fat fasting is becoming increasingly popular among dieters and others, the 5 Minute Body (5MB) website has focused on providing an easy and safe ultimate guide to start a fasting course.
Fat Fasting Results
To understand the real results of fat fasting, check out the following video showing how I tried a 3-day fat fasting with significant results.
Does a Fat Fast Induce Autophagy?
Autophagy is a body process to clean damaged cells and debris and recycle them for energy. Some research shows that fat fasting may have a positive impact on autophagy.
During fat fasting and the ketosis process resulting from it, autophagy can be activated. Ketosis stimulates the release of the glucagon hormone, which boosts the breakdown of stored glycogen and fat for energy.
This process can increase autophagy, as the body employs its own damaged cells and proteins for fuel, but further research is needed to support the impact of fat fasting on autophagy.
Fat Fasting vs Water Fasting
Fat fasting refers to consuming fat and low levels of carbohydrates and protein to create a state of ketosis for the body to burn fat for fuel instead of glucose.
However, water fasting is a restricted version of intermittent fasting, which includes the consumption of only water and no food for a certain period.
Water fasting can last for 24-72 hours but is generally more challenging to adhere to than fat fasting.
Both fat fasting and water fasting have been shown to have effective for weight loss, insulin sensitivity, and reduced inflammation, but choosing among them depends on your personal goals, preferences, and health considerations.
Generally, fat fasting is more sustainable and easier to follow, while water fasting is more extreme but may lead to faster results if you can follow it.
All in all, fat fasting has proven to promote weight loss and other health benefits. Fat fasting combined with proper meal plans can result in significant health effects.
However, consulting a healthcare professional is necessary before making drastic changes to your eating habits. Also, remember that fat fasting is a short-term process.
With logical Carnivore fat-fasting planning and sticking to that plan, you can achieve your weight loss goals and experience other health benefits. Click to learn more about Carnivore diet courses for fat loss.
The following subsections give you answers to the most frequently asked questions about fat fasting in a Carnivore method.
Is It Ok to Fast on a Carnivore Diet?
Fat fasting combined with carnivore-friendly meals results is not only ok but also results in faster fat loss.
How Long Can You Do a Fat Fast?
It may differ from person to person, but generally, 3-day and 5-day fat fasting programs are the most common.
How Many Fasting Hours Burn Fat?
The fat burning process usually starts after about 12 hours of fat fasting and increases between 16 and 24 hours of fasting.
How Often Can I Do a Fat Fast?
While it depends on your goals and body composition, you can have 3-day or 5-day fat fasting programs every month or twice a month.
Can You Burn All Fat in a Day?
While one can lose one pound (0.5 kg) of body fat a day, it needs significant limitations on food intake and an eye-catching increase in physical activity. Also, it’s not recommended to go through such extreme processes.
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